Delta Flight Delay and Cancellation Compensation Policy

Delta Flight Delay and Cancellation Compensation Policy

Delta Flight Delay and Cancellation Compensation Policy

Delta Flight Delay and Cancellation Compensation Policy awards you delay and cancellation compensation after your flight gets disrupted. You can apply for Delta Flight Delay and Cancellation Compensation Policy under Delta Airlines passenger rights regime. You can exercise this right if your face is delayed for over 2 hours. After these hours, you can apply either for compensation amount, reimbursement or refund.

If you do not want compensation in the form of money, then you also have the option of rebooking another flight. You can resume your travel once your flight gets rebooked. Delta will automatically rebook it for free. If this flight does not match your schedule, you can rebook another flight by visiting

What Is The Delta Flight Delay And Cancellation Compensation Policy?

How It Works: Delta policy of compensation for delayed or cancelled flights saves you from any inconvenience caused due to flight disruptions. It compensates based on your request, eligibility and reasons for delay or cancellations. Reasons such as technical failure or shortage of staff make you eligible for it.

Some Of The Key Features Of Delta Delayed And Flight Cancellation Compensation

The features of Delta Airlines offer great flexibility as you do not have to worry about reaching your destination late. Because of these features, you can continue to travel even in the event of your flight disruption. These are as follows:

● Due to prolonged delays, Delta Airlines will grant you a reasonable amount of compensation

● The length of delay and the distance of flight decide the amount of compensation

● In case of delay or cancellation, Delta Airlines will rebook an alternative flight

● You can apply for refunds if you do not want to rebook another flight after cancellation

● Delta Airlines will grant you compensation if your flight gets delayed by more than 2 hours

Delta Airlines

Delta Airlines

How To Get a Refund From Delta For Flight Delay Or Cancellation?

Delta Compensation Policy: Delayed Flight and Cancellation | Get Refund You must fill out a travel disruption form to get refunds from Delta Airlines. This form is available on You can find it in the help section of this website. After filling out this form, Delta will evaluate it and then initiate refunds. You will receive it within 7-10 business days if it is a credit/debit card. If your refund is in cash, you will receive it within 20 business days.

What do You Do When Delta Delays or Cancels Your Flight?

After Delta Airlines Delays and Cancels Your Flight, you can claim compensation, request refunds or apply for reimbursements. It will also compensate you when you are denied boarding as your flight gets overbooked. You can apply for rebates, reimbursement or compensation in the following ways:


On the Delta Airlines website, select the refunds and reimbursements option in the help centre menu on the homepage. You will be redirected to the refunds and rebates page. Scroll down this page and click the travel disruption form under the refund heading.


Your expenses will be reimbursed if you have arranged accommodation for yourself as your flight gets delayed overnight. On the same refund and reimbursement page, scroll down to the heading of reimbursement. You can find the link to apply for reimbursement under this heading.

Compensation claim

Contact Delta Airlines customer care to claim Delta Flight Delay or Cancellation Compensation. Its details are available on the website. You can write an email or make a phone call to connect with an executive of this customer care. 

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