KLM Delay Compensation Policy

KLM Delay Compensation Policy - How to Claim Compensation for Delayed Flight

KLM Delay Compensation Policy

KLM Delay Compensation Policy– How to Claim Compensation for Delayed and Cancelled KLM Airlines Flight – The KLM Compensation Guide for Delayed or Cancelled Flights: Flight disruptions are never planned. They result from manageable and unmanageable events that exceed the airlines’ control. There could be numerous causes or events behind a delayed or canceled flight. A mechanical problem, a technical fault, staff shortage, or labor unrest are a few among them. A natural calamity or political violence could also cause it. A delayed flight typically has many consequences. It throws your schedules out of control. Your travel plans go haywire. And you are often left stranded at the airport with nowhere to go. In short, it triggers a chain of unfavorable events with you at the receiving end. A delayed or canceled flight affects an airline equally, if not more. And most of the time, companies end up paying hefty cash refunds and compensations for the same. Therefore, defining a policy explicitly about disrupted flights and compensations becomes imperative. Fortunately, KLM Airlines, a global leader in aviation, has recognized this need and has developed a comprehensive compensation policy to address this issue. This blog will discuss the KLM Flight Delay Compensation Policy in detail and learn how to claim compensation for delayed KLM flights or cancellations.

KLM Flight Delay Compensation Policy

The KLM (Royal Dutch) Airlines is one of the oldest continuously operating airlines in the world. Much of this feat can be attributed to its customer-centric policies and a sensible approach to customer concerns. No wonder the KLM Flight Delay Compensation Policy is a strategy going in the right direction. The particulars of the policy are listed below in bullet points.

●  KLM, an airline based in a European Union country, honors the EU regulations on compensation issued in the public interest by the collaborating governments. The EU regulations make it mandatory for airlines to pay a fixed compensation amount to passengers in case their flights are significantly delayed or canceled or if they are denied boarding despite having valid tickets. 

●  A flight delay or cancellation may happen due to manageable and unmanageable events. However, the EU regulation exempts airlines, including KLM, from paying any compensation to passengers if the delay or cancellation was caused by extraordinary events beyond KLM’s control, such as a natural calamity or political unrest in the destination country. 

●  The question of compensating passengers for delayed flights arises only when the disruption is caused by an otherwise manageable event that the airline could not control due to certain adverse circumstances. 

●  Per the KLM Flight Delay Compensation Policy, passengers are entitled to receive compensation for a delay in flight if the delay was caused by reasons that could be controlled by KLM Airlines. 

●  The KLM Flight Delay Compensation Policy requires that to be eligible for compensation for flight delay; the journey must originate or end at an airport in an EU country. 

●  The KLM Flight Delay Compensation Policy defines the extent of delay in flight for which passengers can claim compensation. As per the policy, the actual arrival time of the passenger must cross the scheduled arrival time by more than three hours to make him eligible for compensation claims. 

●  As per the KLM Flight Delay Compensation Policy rules, the compensation will be issued to the passenger in the form of EMD travel vouchers if eligible. The EMD vouchers are of two types: non-refundable and refundable. Non-refundable vouchers can be used for buying future flights or extras, whereas the refund vouchers can be exchanged for cash refunds anytime. 

●  There are three slabs in the compensation amount paid depending on the distance and destination of the original journey. The compensation amounts are fixed for each slab. 

●  Per the KLM Flight Delay Compensation Policy, passengers eligible to receive compensation from KLM due to a flight delay get a confirmation email with a 13-digit voucher code starting with 074. 

KLM Compensation for Flight Cancellation

Like flight delays, KLM also compensates passengers for canceling their flights. The EU regulations are followed in these cases, meaning passengers can claim compensation from KLM Airlines if their flights were canceled due to reasons within KLM’s control. Similarly, the other conditions related to compensation for flight delay must also be fulfilled in cases of flight cancellation. Even the compensation amounts paid for flight cancellations are the same as those for flight delays.

How do I Claim Compensation for the KLM flight?

If you want to know how to claim compensation for delayed KLM flights or cancellations, here’s your answer. The process of claiming compensation is straightforward. Passengers who booked their tickets online directly from KLM can claim compensation online for a flight delay or cancellation. The entire process is described in the following steps. 

●  Open the home page of the official KLM website, www.klm.com

●  Click on “information,, “the fourth menu from the left on the top menu bar. You’ll find the information you need regarding your air travel with KLM and the critical links here. This information is contained in different items on this page under several heads. 

●  Check the 7th item from the top under the “Book and manage your trip” headline. It reads “Refund and Compensation.” Click on it.

●  On the next page, click on the box with “Compensation” written on it. This will take you to the compensation page, where you will get all Information on the topic. 

●  Scroll down here and click the large blue button that reads “Request Compensation.”

●  This will take you to the “Make a Request” page, where you can request compensation for your delayed or canceled KLM flight by logging in to your account or retrieving your booking details by entering your booking credentials. 

●  You’ll receive a confirmation email if and when your compensation request is approved. You’ll also receive a compensation voucher with a 13-digit code. You can also check the current status of your compensation request from the “My Trip” section of the website. 

What Should You Do if Your KLM Flight is Delayed or Canceled?

You have the following options if your KLM flight is delayed or canceled.

For Delay

●  You can continue with your journey despite the delay in departure.

●  You can reschedule your next connecting flight if you’re sure that your previous flight will arrive late.

●  You may cancel your flight/s altogether and ask for a refund and compensation if the departure is delayed by more than 5 hours or you arrive late for your connecting flight by more than 3 hours. 

For Cancellation

●  You can wait for KLM Airlines to rebook you to the next available flight. However, finding the same type of flight on the same day isn’t always easy. The rebooking may get delayed. You may choose the below option in that case.

●  You may ask for a cash refund and request compensation. 

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Ques. KLM canceled my flight. They also rebooked me on the same day. Can I still ask for a refund and compensation?

Ans. Yes, you can. You may not be satisfied with the rebooking option provided. So, you can cancel your rebooked flight and request compensation. However, if you accept your rebooked flight ticket after cancellation, you lose your right to ask for compensation. 

Ques. I have arrived almost 2 hours after my schedule. Am I eligible for compensation?

Ans. Yes, you are provided you fulfill all other criteria mentioned in the KLM Flight Delay Compensation Policy. However, the compensation amount may be reduced in such a case by 50%.

Ques. How much compensation would I receive if my journey was less than 1500km?

Ans. As per EU regulations and the KLM Flight Delay Compensation Policy rules, you will receive €250 if you accept a refund voucher and €350 if you accept a non-refundable voucher.